- Corporation



Small or medium size incorporated business


  • Charge free option: you should invite 4 of your friends who belong to the same or higher tax payer's category
  • Regular price: 
    • start from $300.00 (inactive company, T2 Short Form)
    • start from $900.00 (service price for a company with 1-3 subcontractors, T2, HST Return included, free consultation all year around)
    • start from $1,300.00 (service price for a company with by-weekly payroll, T2, HST Return included, free consultation all year around)
  • Remote method price:
    • start from $280.00 (inactive company, T2 Short Form)
    • start from $880.00 (service price for a company with 1-3 subcontractors, T2, HST Return included, free consultation all year around)
    • start from $1,280.00 (service price for a company with by-weekly payroll, T2, HST Return included, free consultation all year around)

List of most common documents for small-incorporated business:

  1. Latest Notice of Assessment.
  2. T2 Return for last year.
  3. Article of Incorporation.
  4. HST Registration.
  5. Payroll account registration.
  6. Ontario tax number.
  7. Shareholders information (Name, SIN, % of shares).
  8. Mailing address.
  9. Balance Sheet (last year)
  10. Income (Profit / Loss) Statement (last year)
  11. Business Account Bank Statements for all current period
  12. Credit Card Bank Statements for all current period
  13. Payroll related information: payroll calculation, Source Deduction remittance
  14. HST related information: installment payments